How to make cassava flour in Nigeria

How to Make Cassava Flour in Nigeria: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

How to make cassava flour in Nigeria, also known as garri, can be easily achieved by following this simple step-by-step guide.

Cassava flour made at home has no added preservatives or unhealthy chemicals, so it’s the perfect substitute for white flour in your baking and cooking needs. 

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How to make cassava flour in Nigeria

Plus, the best part is that you can save money by making your own cassava flour. 

Continue reading to learn how to make cassava flour in Nigeria. It’s easier than you think.

What is cassava?

Native to South America, cassava is a tuberous root that looks similar to sweet potatoes. 

In many tropical areas around Africa and Asia, cassava is grown as a staple food crop; it’s also often processed into a flour. It’s estimated that cassava is cultivated globally on more than 100 million acres of land each year. 

However, because it must be cooked before eating (it contains cyanide), it can be considered both nutritious and toxic or simply an acquired taste.

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History Of Cassava Flour In Nigeria

Cassava flour is popular in West Africa and Nigeria especially, where it is made and consumed as a staple food. 

The flour has many uses, including being used as a thickener for soups and stews and as an addition to a lot of meals. In Nigeria, cassava flour is also known as garri, an Afro-Bantu word that means something pounded. It’s also simply called flour, as you would any other type of flour. 

Cassava Flour Is Often Consumed With Either Palm Oil Or Groundnut Oil made soup And Eaten As Street Food

If you’re living in Nigeria, or travelling there soon, it’s important that you know how to make cassava flour correctly. 

Making it incorrectly could result in illness, so take your time when making cassava flour and ensure that you do everything correctly.

How to make cassava flour in Nigeria

Poor quality of cassava flour is a major problem. Unfortunately, some people attempt to make cassava flour using dirty pots or utensils. 

You should always try to use clean equipment when making cassava flour, and only buy from reputable sellers who have a good reputation for selling high-quality products. 

When making cassava flour, you can choose between two different methods the traditional method and an easier method that uses electricity. 

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The traditional method involves crushing dry cassava roots by hand into small pieces and then drying them out further until they’re brittle enough to be ground into powder.


A Simple Step-by-Step Guide How to Make Cassava Flour in Nigeria

  1. Purchase cassava at your local market and remove any blemishes from its skin, such as twigs or other foreign material. 
  1. Wash it under water for about 15 minutes, until all dirt has been removed from its surface. 
  1. Chop into smaller chunks (5cm). 
  1. Transfer to a grinder and grind until smooth enough for it to be considered flour (approximately 30 minutes). 
  1. Remove excess water by placing flour on a strainer under running tap water until water runs clear 
  1. Leave to dry overnight. 
  1. Store in an airtight container until ready to use



Where can you buy or find fresh cassava tuber in Nigeria

Fresh cassava can be found at most Nigerian markets, but if you can’t find it there, you can try your local farmers market or contact a local farmer and buy directly from them. 

In Nigeria, cassava is also known as gari and fufu

If you live in a rural community, cassava grows like a weed and can easily be found growing nearby. 

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You’ll need to find some that is not too big or mature yet (you don’t want one that is ready for harvest). 

The bigger ones tend to have less starch content, and the best time of year to buy fresh cassava is from March through June.

How much does Cassava flour(Garri) cost in Nigeria?

Cassava flour can be purchased in Nigeria for N500 for 2Kg. You can purchase it from any of your local markets and garri stalls in Nigeria. But if you’re thinking about how much does cassava flour cost in Nigeria, then you should know that prices are usually determined by Kg,  ranging between ₦250 (N2000) – ₦1000 (N10,000) per Kg.


Making cassava flour (also known as garri or fufu) is one of those things that few Nigerians who grew up in a village grow up knowing how to do. 

It’s considered a staple food and needs no explanation. Still, if you want to make some yourself, there are numerous ways of doing so.  

If you have never made cassava flour before, above is a simple step-by-step guide that will get you started on your way.

The process is easy and takes only about a few hours from start to finish (including cooking time). All it requires is patience and proper execution. 


  • Adekiya Joscor

    Am a Tech blogger | Content Writer | Website designer | Freelancer | YouTuber. Need any of my help? Use any of the social handles below to get to me.

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