Add Marketplace to Facebook

How to Add Marketplace to Facebook

How to Add Marketplace to Facebook; Facebook Marketplace is the latest way to buy and sell items without ever leaving Facebook.

Add Marketplace to Facebook
Facebook Marketplace Example

Not everyone knows how to use it, or how to add it to their Facebook profile.


How To Add Marketplace To Facebook

This tutorial will show you exactly how to add  Marketplace to Facebook on your account and start selling your old belongings, as well as looking for the perfect new addition to your house, apartment, or dorm room.

1) Create A Page

Adding a marketplace to Facebook is a great way to reach out to potential customers who are already using the site. Here are five easy steps to get started: 

  1. First, you need to create a page for your business. This can be done by going to the create a page section on the site. 
add Marketplace to Facebook
Facebook Page I Manage
  1. Once you have created your page, you need to add some basic information about your business. This includes your business name, address, and contact information. You should also take this time to upload a profile picture of your business or logo. 
  1. Next, go back to the top of the page and click manage, then pages. You will see all of the pages that you have set up listed here. 

Click create a new page on the right hand side of this menu bar. You will then be prompted with four different sections title, description, content type, and category.

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2) Install The Tab

The first step is to install The Tab, a free app that allows you to add a marketplace tab to your Facebook page. You can find The Tab in the App Store or on Google Play. 

Once you’ve installed the app, open it and click on the Add to Facebook button. 

Then, select the page you want to add the marketplace tab to and click Add Tab and that’s it, you’re done adding a marketplace tab to your Facebook page.

In order for people to see what you’re selling on the app, they need to be following your account or liking your business’ Page . 

If they do, then they’ll automatically receive updates from the marketplace. If not, then you’ll have to manually update them by clicking on their name and choosing follow. 

They’ll then receive updates when someone posts an item or makes a purchase.

Another way to spread the word about your business is by inviting friends who may also be interested in joining The Tab. 

The final step is to customize your preferences: decide how often items will post is it daily or weekly?

Also decide what category will include posts and whether users should be able to reply with feedback and whether notifications should come through as text messages or emails.

3) Setup Sections

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your Facebook page and click Edit Page in the left-hand column.
  1. Select Manage Sections from the drop-down menu. 
  1. Drag and drop the Marketplace section to where you want it on your page. 
  2. Click Save changes. 
  1. That’s it Now you can start using Marketplace on your Facebook page. To get started, go to the navigation tab on your Marketplace page and select Create Ad. 
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After selecting Create Ad, follow these instructions: 

  1. Enter a title for your ad (e.g., Sale – Summer Clearance) 
  1. Enter the text of your ad as you would like it to appear . You can use up to 120 characters including spaces and punctuation. Make sure to add some relevant keywords so shoppers will find your post when they search the marketplace. 
  1. Choose an image or video from one of our library templates or upload your own image by clicking Choose File button below the upload button, note the image should be 800×600 pixels at 72 DPI for best results and under 5MB in size so that it loads quickly for shoppers viewing on their mobile devices with limited data plans.
  1. Select a category for your ad from one of our available categories. If there is not a good match for your product or service, enter a new category in the field provided. If you are unsure about which category to choose, type general into the field and we’ll assign it to General Merchandise. 
  1. Select which days of the week you would like this ad to run on if applicable. Click Save Changes after entering all information then continue adding more ads!

4) Enable Payments

Enabling payments on your Facebook marketplace is a quick and easy process.

You can do it directly from the marketplace page. Just click on the gear icon in the top right corner and select Enable Payments from the drop-down menu. 

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Then, enter your payment information and agree to the terms and conditions, and that’s it, you’re ready to start selling products and services on Facebook. 

5) Get Ready For Your First Sale

Before you can start selling on Facebook Marketplace, there are a few things you need to do first. First, take some high-quality photos of your items. 

Make sure the photos are well-lit and show the item from different angles.

You should also write detailed descriptions of your items, including any relevant information potential buyers might want to know. 

Once you have all that ready, you can start listing your items for sale. 

There are three ways to list an item: 

1) Post it to Marketplace without creating a post 

2) Create a post, add it as an attachment, and select Marketplace as the post type 

3) Search for an item using Marketplace as the search type. When you find what you’re looking for, tap on it, then tap Add It To Your Post.

It’s important to note that while Facebook handles transactions, they’re not involved in any way with shipping or delivery. You are responsible for getting your item from Point A to Point B, and this includes packaging and postage costs.


To Add Marketplace to Facebook is a great way to expand your business’s reach.

In just a few simple steps, you can start connecting with potential customers on the world’s largest social network.

Best of all, it’s free to list your products on Marketplace.


  • Adekiya Joscor

    Am a Tech blogger | Content Writer | Website designer | Freelancer | YouTuber. Need any of my help? Use any of the social handles below to get to me.

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