make money online

Top 5 Ways To make Money online

Hi and welcome back to Naijacloud. Many people have been stranded at home without money, so today on NaijaCloud we are going to learn Five ways to make money online. Tho making money online may sound as stress but you can pick any one you wan’t to start below. If you missed my last post on how to make above N5000 without any investment . So without further Ado, let’s dive in.

Top 5 ways to make money online.

affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing.

You can choose to sell other people Products online. You can start to market and sell other people products online and you get a percentage of what you sell. For affiliate marketing you don’t need to create a website, all you have to do is convince your friends to buy a particular product via your affiliate link. There are some websites who offer this services and they pay for real which includes Jumia, Amazon, Clickbank, konga, alibaba. You can make as much as 200$ – 500$ per month from affiliate marketing.

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A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject. You can create a blog by getting a domain and purchasing and hosting which starts from N500 per month. You can start a blog and start making huge money. All you need to start a blog is just an hosting plus a domain. You can get that here.

You can sell Ads space on your blog or people pay to get a sponsored post on your blog. You can also apply for Google adsense, infolink, propeller ad and othet ad network to stand a chance of making money online. You can also make money via affiliate marketing from your blog… you just have to sell other people’s products on your blog and earn special commissions..


YouTube Channel.

YouTube is one of the fast rising ways to make money online, tho making money online on YouTube seem frustrating sometimes. Youtube channels with tech related content earn more money than entertainment channels because tech channels have esteemed fans while anyone can just view entertainment content on YouTube. You have to Get at least 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 suscribers before thinking of monetization on YouTube. You can earn as much as 600$ on YouTube just by posting contents. Thinking of starting a YouTube channel? Follow the simple steps below.

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How to create a Youtube channel

> Go to and click “My Channel” on the webpage.
>> Click the link called “Video Manager” on the top bar.
>> Click channel and Enable on monetization.
Get at 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers.


Instagram marketing

Create an Instagram account and start making money online. Growing an Instagram account is the hardest part but traffic is the lifeline of any online success. Growing an account doesn’t need to be hard, you just need to be seen. Thinking on how to get Instagram followers? You can learn that here.

Start connecting with brands. Use your platform to market other people’s product and services… Like a micro influencer thingy. Remember to offer a free gift and collect emails and build your email marketing list for more marketing.

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I have made about 500$ from fiverr, so i will recommend you to try it as well. The major concept behind how Fiverr works is similar to other online marketplace platforms. A service offered on Fiverr is called a Gig. The service is offered by the Seller (freelancer), and bought by the buyer(employer) Five dollars is the popular starting price for offers on Fiverr. Before you are able to buy or sell anything you must first sign up.

On Fiverr, buyers are able to browse and search for Gigs they wish to buy. When a buyer is ready to make a purchase, they make an order and then proceed to checkout to pay. All purchases are subject to a processing fee, Fiverr charges the buyer $2 processing fee on each purchase and 5% on purchases above $20. Sellers keep 80% of each Gig they sell after they have successfully completed and delivered the task.

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  • Adekiya Joscor

    Am a Tech blogger | Content Writer | Website designer | Freelancer | YouTuber. Need any of my help? Use any of the social handles below to get to me.

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