How To Start A Freelance Career In Nigeria

Freelancing has been one of the best and verified methods to make money online. Today on Naijacloud we are going to look into things you have to look into before you thinking to Start A Freelance Career In Nigeria.

Personally, I have made some money online being a Freelancer, to start freelancing you need a digital skill you know people are willing to pay for. Don’t know which skill to choose? Then this post will lead you on all you need to know about starting a freelance career in this country.

Start a freelance career in Nigeria

I made over 500$ designing websites for foreigners couple of months back, I got paid via Paypal for doing what I love doing best. Isn’t that cool?

With freelancing you make money from writing, Coding, Graphics, and among many other digital skills which we will be discussing fully in today’s post.

So without wasting your precious time, below are an outline of what you will need to start a successful freelance career in Nigeria.

  1. Digital Skill
  2. Smartphone / PC
  3. Time / Stable Internet Connection

Digital skill

Thinking of the best digital skills to start with? There is a list of skills you could choose from which are, graphic design, programming, writing, and many others.

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For you to be a successful freelancer you have to choose a skill, start working on it, and don’t be a jack of all trades.

I learned some lessons from being a freelancer some years back, I learned that you make more money concentrating on a particular skill, but when you try to make money from combining different skills you end up with ZERO.

You can start by writing and am sure you will make huge cash at the end, writing is one of the most lucrative offers. Users also get paid For writing original content, not copying and pasting, and don’t want to be lazy writers.


Write your own content, if you don’t know how to write one you can check online to join a writing academy for free.

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I made some extra cash creating websites. So in case you know about programming, you have a high chance of making alot from freelance if you are sure of your services.

If you don’t really know about programming, you can join online classes, some classes are free while some are paid.


Another factor you have to consider before thinking to start a freelance career in Nigeria. Before even thinking of making money online, you have to get a good smartphone or a PC. In this case, a PC is recommended.

To be a successful freelancer you need to get yourself a PC. Tell me, is it possible to program using an Android phone?

Not possible lol. There are some freelance skills that require you to get a PC.

Assuming you’re a writer, a PC will make your work neat, fast, and grammar checked.

You can use extensions like grammarly on PC to correct your spelling and grammar.


I won’t discuss much on this much because I know it’s very straightforward and clear. To be a successful freelancer you need to dedicate time for yourself.

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You will need time to bid for contracts, design your profile, deliver the work, and all these work together with stable Internet connection. You can’t archive any of that without a stable Internet connection.

To be a successful freelancer you need to dedicate and trust me you will enjoy the return when it’s time.

That’s all for now, this post will get updated whenever we have new updates. What did I miss? You can include them in the comment section below and get instant reply.

Meanwhile, you can check my post on How To Use Swipe Up Feature on Instagram Stories. Want more Juicy updates like this? Download our Mobile app below Or Join us via any of our social handles below.


  • Adekiya Joscor

    Am a Tech blogger | Content Writer | Website designer | Freelancer | YouTuber. Need any of my help? Use any of the social handles below to get to me.

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