make money on tiktok

How To Make Money on Tiktok In Nigeria

Hello and welcome back to Naijacloud. Today we are going to learn How to make money on TikTok- a step by step guide.

TikTok, formerly known as, is one of the most popular mobile social media apps.

Allow users to create and share short videos or musical selfies with their friends on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

It has more than 300 million users worldwide, and due to its popularity, the opportunities to make money on TikTok are endless.

Below are tips on how to make money on tiktok 

1. Get the app

To get started, you’ll need to download and install TikTok, which is available for iOS and Android.

Don’t be turned off if you don’t have an iPhone you can also watch videos made with other devices. 

 make money on TikTok

You can even mirror your account across multiple platforms, should you choose. 

Regardless of what device you use though, there are few different ways to set up an account. 

Most people start by taking a video selfie or scanning their face so they can connect with friends already using the app.

You can also search for a username or hashtag when creating your profile. 

Once everything is in place, it’s time to start making videos.

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2. Grow your audience

The more followers you have, the more you will be able to monetize your content.

Start building an audience as soon as possible with video and picture posting. 

Continue posting regularly so that your account doesn’t stagnate.

make money on tiktok

If you want people to follow you then provide interesting content that is entertaining for them to watch or enjoy looking at (think about using geotags). 

If you’re doing a paid promotion, use hashtags in the caption of the post so that it reaches people who are interested in what you’re promoting. 

Another way to grow your following is through direct messages sent privately from other TikTok users

Once they accept your message they’ll start following you and vice versa!

Make sure that’s part of what they’re interested in seeing before sending them one! 

Another way to grow your following is through direct messages sent privately from other TikTok users. 

Once they accept your message they’ll start following you and vice versa.

3. Monetize via video views

Even if you aren’t making money on tiktok directly from video views, it’s possible you could monetize them via one of several ways.

For example, many advertisers will pay $1-$3 per 1000 video views

That’s $0.10-$0.30 per view – not bad!

Other methods are posting ads in your story or with geofilters (more on that below)

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Getting influencers to post about your product or service and having them mention the product or service in their stories and geofilters

Buying sponsored posts for your account name which will then show up at the top of your profile when people search for you.

4. Get sponsored posts

The key to making money from tiktok is getting sponsored posts.

These are videos that companies pay you for and then post them on your page.

It’s a great way to make money, but it isn’t always easy. 

Companies will want to know how many followers you have, what your engagement rate is like, and they’ll probably want to see some of your past work. 

To find sponsors, first search hashtags relevant to the product or brand you’re interested in representing. 

For instance you’re looking for clothing brands try #OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) or #FashionBloggers. 

Once you find a company that looks promising, send them an email with links to some of your content so they can get an idea of who you are and what type of content you put out already. 

They might not reply right away so be patient! If the email doesn’t work, reach out through social media such as Instagram DM’s or Twitter DMs if possible!

5. Earn cash prizes

Once you’ve amassed a large following, you can create short videos and upload them to video-sharing sites like YouNow,, or and collect cash prizes from your viewers. 

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Create an account on one of these services, link it with your social media profiles, and then start posting content that gets viewers riled up. 

You could tell them about current events going on in your area or share clips of yourself performing (this option is best if you have singing skills). 

For example: A user named Milindo used Twitter to share his SoundCloud songs with his followers;

The platform eventually reached out to him and agreed to give him an opportunity. 

Today he makes a living off of music streaming through platforms like Spotify using SoundCloud as his gateway.

There are many other ways to earn cash from TikTok, including sponsorships and collaborations with major brands. 

If you know how to design cool graphics for logos or love makeup tutorials, this app might be worth checking out.


The earning potential of Tiktok is high and so is its demand, because it is much more interactive than other platforms.

Hence, if you are looking for a job that can help you fulfill your financial goals, then Tiktok could be your best option. 

This is probably why almost all social media websites such as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsAp etc.

Have tried to replicate tiktok but failed miserably.


  • Adekiya Joscor

    Am a Tech blogger | Content Writer | Website designer | Freelancer | YouTuber. Need any of my help? Use any of the social handles below to get to me.

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