interenal linking

SEO – How To Rank Music Blog on Google’s first Page In NIgeria

After creating a blog the first thing that will be disturbing your mind is how to get traffic to it, getting traffic to a music blog is one of the competitive things in the blogosphere. Today we are going to learn how to rank a music blog on Google’s first page using SEO.

Let’s say you tried searching for a song on Google, am sure there are some websites that will constantly make it to the first page, that’s because they have some techniques and methods they use in ranking. Websites like Naijaloaded, tooxclusive, 9jaflaver, and justnaija always make it on the first page because of their SEO and ranking.

Google rank website based on three factors which are, Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness. So to rank your music blog high Google you need to work on your on-page SEO and post quality content.

According to Google music blogs have the tendency of ranking fast. Google has recorded over 700 million active users, just imagine the traffic you could get to your music blog if your music blog is SEO optimized.

So tho rank your music blog on Google’s first page, there are some things you have to add or remove from your blog which we will be discussing today, So without wasting much of your time, let’s dive in. below are an outline of what we will be discussing today.

  • Website linking
  • Keyword in Meta description
  • Permalinks
  • Keyword density
  • Build on Topical Relevance (Related post)
  • Sitemaps

Website linking & Tags

Internal linking of the website gives you high tending in ranking your music blog. Always interlink your music blog like the one shown in the image below.

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interenal linking

Let’s say you are writing a post on “Olamide 999“, you can look for a way to link the word “olamide” to a category or tag. So the users can get to more of Olamide songs.

The use of Tags also helps to rank music blogs on Google’s first page. After concluding your post, you can add some tag to your post which will surely be of help to rank your music blog high.

hash tags to rank music blog on google

Let’s say you want to create a post on “Download Oxlade Away“, make sure you add tags like Oxlade away mp3, download Oxlade away, Oxlade away, away by Oxlade, and among many others. Just think of anything you think a user can search on Google and use it as Tags. Adding tags can really help rank your music blog.

Keywords in Meta description

If you are really going to rank your music blog on SEO then you must follow this step.

You will generate your keyword and don’t wait for google to generate them for you. Place those keywords in the Meta description, plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank math has this feature that allows you to edit your Keywords in Meta description. If you don’t have an idea of what meta description is, you can check the annotated image below for better understanding

meta discription to rank music blog

kindly note that the more you make your meta description friendly the more you get users to visit your music blog because people love reading the Meta description before think of clicking the blog on a search engine.

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When you put the main keyword in the meta description, you are not just ranking your music blog, you will also gain massive traffic than the blog ranking on Google’s number one.


From My SEO knowledge, I have discovered that a short URL works better for EEO.

Make sure your music blog URL contains the keyword you are ranking for.

Let’s take for example if you created a post of “Terri Ojoro”, your URL should be in form of and not Changing permalink setting seems easier on WordPress, just migrate to your admin dashboard > settings > permalinks and change it to the one shown in the image below.

If your permalink is good, you will get SEO traffic to your music blog and am very sure it would rank better.

Keyword density

Keyword density is also among one of the best methods to rank your music blog on Google’s first page in Nigeria. Make sure the keyword you are trying to rank for isn’t that much in your blog post.

If you don’t know how to check the density of your keyword, WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank math and All in one SEO will help you make sure you don’t spoil your WordPress post with keywords, because if you use too many keywords, Googles thinks it’s spamming and you won’t rank.

Build on Topical Relevance (Related post)

Building in post related posts isn’t good for your music blog. If you are using WordPress, you can try installing Jetpack plugin, it has a feature that will help you and a related post feature to the ending of your blog posts based on your tags and categories.

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. If you don’t have an idea of what the related post is, I have made an annotated image so you will understand better.

related post

Adding related post feature to your blog won’t only boost your blog SEO, but your pageviews will also increase and this will for sure increase you Google AdSense earning


This is one of the important things to do if you want to blog rank faster, You will need to generate your blog site map so Google can index your blog easily;y and faster.

The most recommended WordPress plugin for this is Yoast SEO or Google XML site map. Download the plugins and install on you WordPress blog then it will automatically create the sitemap for you.

You can view your website site map by going to

Don’t also forget to submit and verify your sitemap to Google search console after generating it from the plugins. The Google search console will help you track and, monitor the number of click and impression you’re getting from search traffic.

That’s all for now, this post will get updated whenever we have new updates. What did I miss? You can include them in the comment section below and get an instant reply. Meanwhile, you can check my post on Top 5 Apps that Allows you to convert airtime to cash. Want more Juicy updates like this? Download our Mobile app below Or Join us via any of our social handles below.


  • Adekiya Joscor

    Am a Tech blogger | Content Writer | Website designer | Freelancer | YouTuber. Need any of my help? Use any of the social handles below to get to me.

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